• 正在播放铁幕阴影下-HD
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  • 5.0HD杀手热约瑟夫·高登-莱维特,谢琳·伍德蕾,理查德·麦登,克莱尔·霍尔曼,巴布·塞赛,马诺斯·加夫拉斯,比利·克莱门茨,Billie Vee,Argyris Gaganis
  • 6.0HD曼谷危情:天堂地狱苏格拉瓦·卡那诺,三亚·库纳康,Atitaya Tribudarak
  • 5.0HD风月君子察合台·乌鲁索伊,埃布鲁·沙欣,塞纳伊·古勒,纳兹利·布卢姆,拉莱·巴萨尔,Haki Bi?ici,Dilek Tora,Didem S?kmen
  • 5.0HD又是充满希望的一天宋宁峰,张歆艺,郭柯宇,孙之鸿,金咖,刘奕铁,刘亦然,石纯子
  • 8.0HD原力篮球魂杰西卡·马滕,茱莉亚·琼斯,安伯·明迪桑德,凯欧瓦·高登,Dallas Goldtooth,科迪·莱特宁,Ernest Tsosie,Kauchani Bratt
  • 7.0HD潜伏娇娃内详


  • 5.0HD猎字99号陈佩斯,傅泰增,高保成,田华,张力维,洪学敏,陈惠良,里坡,孙宪元,林默予
  • 7.0HD海边的曼彻斯特卡西·阿弗莱克,卢卡斯·赫奇斯,米歇尔·威廉姆斯,C·J·威尔逊,凯尔·钱德勒,卡拉·海沃德,格瑞辰·摩尔,泰特·多诺万,埃里卡·麦克德莫特,希瑟·伯恩斯,蜜西·雅格,斯蒂芬·亨德森,本·汉森,玛丽·梅伦,安东尼·埃斯特拉,苏珊·波尔法,罗伯特·塞拉,卡罗琳·皮克曼,约什·汉密尔顿,肖恩·菲茨吉本,肯尼思·洛纳根,安娜·巴瑞辛尼科夫,利亚姆·麦克尼尔,马修·布罗德里克,Kt·巴达萨罗,威廉·博恩凯
  • 5.0HD惊天动地侯勇,李幼斌,童蕾,岳红,巫刚,肖雄,宋春丽,王嘉,徐箭,郭晓东
  • 5.0HD老狐狸白润音,刘冠廷,陈慕义,班铁翔,张再兴,庄益增,傅孟柏,黄健玮,门胁麦,刘奕儿,温升豪,杨丽音
  • 6.0HD白日之下姜大卫 / 余香凝 / 林保怡 / 梁雍婷
  • 6.0HD封神榜:托塔天王陈浩民,林子聪,孙艺真
  • 铁幕阴影下剧情介绍
Set in Prague in 1953, this suspenseful crime drama follows honest police captain Hakl (Trojan) and his investigation of a seemingly mundane robbery at a goldsmith’s shop. In a fraught political climate, this incident is seized on by the Communist authorities, who require a smokescreen for their own, far grander, deception.   On the orders of State Security, Hakl’s investigation is taken over by Major Zenke (Sebastian Koch, The Lives of Others), an East German specialist, who has been told to “prove” that the gold was stolen by the Jewish community to finance Zionist terrorism. But the experienced Hakl’s instincts puts him on the path of an altogether different story. Can one just man stand up to the forces of an increasingly oppressive state? The shadow of the past looms over all involved, and this can make a culprit of a victim and a hero of a culprit. Somber and atmospheric, this is a moving and compelling study of the Stalinist era.

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